The Unseen Intruder: Unveiling the Truth About Smell in Drinking Water

 The Unseen Intruder: Unveiling the Truth About Smell in Drinking Water


All life on our planet depends on water, which is also known as the "elixir of life." It is essential to our ability to cook, hydrate, and perform many other daily tasks. We assume that the water coming out of our faucets is pure and safe to drink. The scent of drinking water, however, is one aspect that frequently passes unnoticed until it engages our senses. In this blog post, we will delve into the topic of water odour and examine its causes, potential health effects, and solutions.

The Offenders of Olfaction
1. Chlorine: To eliminate hazardous bacteria and viruses, chlorine is frequently employed as a disinfectant in water treatment facilities. While it guarantees water safety, it can leave a unique perfume in the water that resembles the smell of a swimming pool.

2. Organic material: Algae, decaying leaves, and other organic materials can enter water sources. These substances degrade and release molecules that could give the water a musty or earthy odour.

3. Hydrogen sulfide: This gas, which is frequently characterized as having a rotten egg odor, can be produced naturally by bacteria in groundwater or by sulfur-containing rocks. The fact that it is present in water may be a sign of possible pollution.

4. Metallic components: Minerals with high concentrations of iron and manganese can cause drinking water to smell metallic or rusty. These substances could be the result of corroded plumbing systems or natural sources.

Health Concerns: 
Although the smell of drinking water does not necessarily pose a direct threat to health, it can be a sign of underlying problems that require addressing. For instance, hydrogen sulphide may signal bacterial contamination or growth, prompting additional research. Additionally, some people can be more sensitive to specific smells, which could make them uncomfortable or prevent them from drinking water, which could lead to dehydration or other health issues.

Addressing the Issue:

1. Water treatment: To get rid of smell-causing substances, municipal water treatment facilities use a variety of techniques such as activated carbon filtration or oxidation. Your home's odour elimination can be improved even more with the use of activated carbon filters.

2. Maintenance of the plumbing system: Old or corroded pipes can cause the water supply to smell bad. Such problems can be avoided with regular plumbing system maintenance and examination.

3. Identification of the source: Identifying the smell's origin is essential for finding a solution that works. Experts in water quality or regional authorities can be consulted for insightful advice.

4. Filtration of water: You may greatly enhance the flavor and smell of your drinking water by investing in a high-quality water filtering system that is designed to target specific impurities, such as substances that cause odours.

Water Odor Test by IS 10500:2012

The Indian Standard for drinking water requirements, including odor-related specifications, is IS 10500:2012. The standard offers instructions for evaluating drinking water quality to make sure it is suitable for consumption. While I can give you a general overview of the tests specified in IS 10500:2012, it's crucial to remember that for precise and trustworthy findings, the requirements and particular procedures outlined in the standard should be followed. For conducting these tests, it is advised to consult the entire standard or a licensed laboratory.

1. Organoleptic Test:

The organoleptic test is a sensory assessment carried out by qualified people to find any drinking water anomalies related to odour, taste, or colour. A group of people are involved in this test, which depends on human perception, and they use their senses to judge the water samples.

2. Threshold Odor Number (TON):

The TONNE test establishes the dilution level at which the scent of a drinking water sample is scarcely detectable. By diluting the sample with odourless water until the scent is undetectable, it is possible to determine the strength of the odour in water. The maximum dilution ratio at which the odour is still audible is called the TONNE.

3. Odor Profile Analysis:

An in-depth investigation of the smell of drinking water is called an odour profile. It uses professional panellists who evaluate the water samples and give descriptions of the odours, such as earthy, musty, metallic, or rotten egg-like. The specific odour components in the water are identified by this test.

4. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS):

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in water samples can be identified and measured using the advanced laboratory technology known as GC-MS analysis. It can be used to identify the precise odor-causing substances in charge of the taste and smell of drinking water. A thorough examination of the chemical makeup of the water is possible thanks to the precise and accurate results produced by GC-MS.


It's important to consider odour when choosing drinking water. Even though it might not always be a serious health danger, it can sometimes point to underlying issues that need to be addressed. We can ensure that our drinking water is clean, safe, and odor-free by knowing the causes of water odour and taking the necessary steps. In addition to relieving our thirst, water also nourishes our bodies and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the tests stated above are merely an overview of the odor-related characteristics mentioned in IS 10500:2012. Numerous additional criteria for evaluating the physical, chemical, and bacteriological quality of drinking water are also included in the standard. A certified laboratory or the whole standard should be consulted.


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