Food Safety in corporate canteen

Food Safety in corporate canteen

Food safety is a critical aspect of any food service operation, including corporate canteens. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is the regulatory body responsible for ensuring that all food service establishments in India comply with food safety regulations. In this blog, we will discuss food safety in corporate canteens, including the FSSAI guidelines for food safety.

FSSAI Guidelines for Corporate Canteens

The FSSAI has published guidelines for food safety in corporate canteens, which include the following:

1. Licensing: All corporate canteens must obtain a food business operator (FBO) license from the FSSAI.

2. Food Safety Plan: Corporate canteens must develop a food safety plan that identifies potential food safety hazards and outlines procedures to control these hazards.

3. Hygiene and Sanitation: Corporate canteens must maintain a high standard of hygiene and sanitation, including cleaning and sanitizing all equipment and surfaces regularly.

4. Food Storage and Preparation: All food must be stored and prepared in a safe and hygienic manner, including proper temperature control and separation of raw and cooked foods.

5. Personnel Training: All personnel who handle food must receive training on food safety and hygiene practices.

6. Food Testing: Corporate canteens must regularly test food products for microbiological and chemical contaminants.

7. Record Keeping: Corporate canteens must maintain records of all food safety procedures and testing results.

Importance of Food Safety in Corporate Canteens

Ensuring food safety in corporate canteens is important for several reasons. First, contaminated food can cause foodborne illnesses, which can lead to serious health problems for employees. Second, food safety issues can lead to negative publicity for the company, which can harm its reputation. Third, non-compliance with food safety regulations can result in fines and legal penalties.


Food safety is a critical aspect of any food service operation, including corporate canteens. The FSSAI has published guidelines for food safety in corporate canteens, which include licensing, developing a food safety plan, maintaining hygiene and sanitation, proper food storage and preparation, personnel training, food testing, and record keeping. Ensuring food safety in corporate canteens is important for the health of employees, the reputation of the company, and compliance with food safety regulations.


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