White Paper on ISO:10500:2012


White Paper on ISO:10500:2012


ISO 10500:2012 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that provides guidelines for the quality of drinking water. The standard sets out the minimum requirements that must be met for drinking water to be considered safe for human consumption. This white paper will provide an overview of ISO 10500:2012, including its scope, purpose, and key requirements.


ISO 10500:2012 applies to the quality of water intended for human consumption. It covers all aspects of the water supply chain, including the collection, treatment, storage, and distribution of water. The standard is applicable to both public and private water supplies, as well as to water supplies intended for use in industries, such as food and beverage production.


The purpose of ISO 10500:2012 is to ensure that drinking water is safe for human consumption. The standard provides a framework for ensuring the quality of drinking water, which is essential for public health. The standard is intended to be used by water suppliers, regulators, and other stakeholders involved in the water supply chain.

Key Requirements

ISO 10500:2012 outlines a number of key requirements that must be met for drinking water to be considered safe for human consumption. Some of the key requirements include:

  1. Microbiological Quality: The standard sets out maximum acceptable levels for a range of microorganisms that can be present in drinking water. This includes bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.

  2. Chemical Quality: The standard sets out maximum acceptable levels for a range of chemicals that can be present in drinking water. This includes substances such as lead, arsenic, and nitrates.

  3. Physical Quality: The standard sets out maximum acceptable levels for a range of physical parameters that can be present in drinking water. This includes factors such as color, taste, and odor.

  4. Treatment and Distribution: The standard requires that water treatment processes and distribution systems be designed and maintained in a way that ensures the quality of the water remains within acceptable limits.

  5. Monitoring and Control: The standard requires that regular monitoring and control measures be put in place to ensure that the quality of the water remains within acceptable limits.


ISO 10500:2012 provides a number of benefits to stakeholders involved in the water supply chain. These benefits include:

  1. Improved Public Health: By ensuring that drinking water is safe for human consumption, the standard helps to improve public health and reduce the risk of waterborne diseases.

  2. Increased Confidence: The standard provides a framework for ensuring the quality of drinking water, which helps to increase public confidence in the safety of their water supply.

  3. Compliance: The standard provides a set of requirements that must be met for drinking water to be considered safe for human consumption. This helps to ensure compliance with regulations and other legal requirements.

  4. Efficiency: By providing a framework for the efficient and effective management of the water supply chain, the standard helps to improve the overall efficiency of the system.


ISO 10500:2012 is an important standard that provides guidelines for the quality of drinking water. The standard sets out a range of requirements that must be met for drinking water to be considered safe for human consumption. By ensuring the quality of drinking water, the standard helps to improve public health, increase confidence, ensure compliance, and improve the efficiency of the water supply chain.

Aquatestlab follow the ISO:10500:2012 guideline for water Testing.

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