WATER PH & its Importance


What is PH?

The pH scale determines how acidic or basic water is. The range is 0 to 14, with 7 representing neutrality. Acidity is indicated by pH values below 7, whereas baseness is shown by pH values above 7. The pH of water is a crucial indicator of its purity of the water.

  • Water that is acidic has a pH below 7. The pH of extremely acidic compounds might be zero. This group includes battery acid.
  • A pH of 8 or above is considered alkaline. Lye, which is extremely alkaline, can have a pH of 14.
  • Pure water, which has a pH of 7, is referred to as "neutral" because it lacks both acidic and basic properties.

What is the best pH of the water to drink?

In the end, you should consume pure, clean water, neither too acidic nor too alkaline. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the pH range for drinking water is Between 6.5 and 8.5. The majority of surface and ground waters should have a pH level in this range.

Why is pH important in water?

The pH of water used for drinking or for domestic purposes is crucial. Overly alkaline or too acidic water is generally unhealthy to consume and can harm appliances and pipelines. Water pH often ranges between 6.5 and 8.5, which is normal.

What affects water pH?

Chemicals, minerals, pollutants, soil or bedrock composition, and any other contaminants that interact with a water supply will, in general, cause an imbalance in the water's natural pH of 7. In summary, environmental conditions play a major role in determining the pH of water, whether it is high or low.

What happens if you drink too much pH water?

Alkaline water doesn't provide any significant health dangers unless you suffer from kidney illness. The only other potential effects of the high pH are possible stomach distress and dry, itchy skin.


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